- • Supports weight management • With clinically proven mulberry leaf extract • Helps promote healthy blood glucose levels
Helps weight management. Helps blood sugar management.
- The Mulberry leaf contains a natural substance called DNJ (1-deoxynojirimycin), which significantly reduces the breakdown of sugars (polysaccharides) to glucose, and thereby slows the entry of sugar into the blood. Several clinical studies have shown that Mulberry extracts effectively stabilizes blood sugar levels and recent studies show strong weight loss results. Mulberry Zuccarin is a natural product, which helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It Is based on the leaves of Japanese Mulberry trees, which have been used in Chinese and Japanese medicine for centuries. Les feuilles de mûrier ont traditionnellement ?t? utilis?es dans la m?decine naturelle chinoise et Sud europ?enne pour leurs propri?t?s antihyperglyc?miques. Zuccarin contient le DNJ, qui inhibe la transformation de sucres complexes (polysaccharides) en glucose.
- Canadian
- GMO Free
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
400 mg white mulberry leaf extract, standardized to contain 4 mg / 1% DNJ. 135 mg Green coffee bean extract (Coffea arabica L.) 13 mcg chromium
Recommended UseTo be used with meals containing complex carbohydrates, in order to stabilize blood sugar levels and to promote weight management. Etre utilis? avec des repas contenant des glucides complexes , afin de maintenir des niveaux de pression art?rielle sains et de promouvoir la gestion du poids .
Recommended Dosage1 tablet 3 times daily, with a meal. **** Prendre 1 comprime´ 3 fois par jour avant le repas.