Dawn Forsyth BA, RNCP, ROHP, CHCP - Owner
My journey into holistic nutrition began in 2009 when allergy tests confirmed my 2 year old daughter had food allergies. During her first year of school she was diagnosed with pneumonia 4 times between November and May and it was confirmed that she became asthmatic when sick. Alarmed by the amount of antibiotics being prescribed and concerned about the long term impacts, I enlisted the help of a nutritionist to support my daughter’s immune system. In early 2011, both my parents were diagnosed with cancer; just two weeks apart. After a slew of appointments with various medical and health practitioners it became alarmingly apparent the vital role that nutrition plays in our overall health. Sadly, over the years our earth has been exploited; toxins are abundant in our environment, soil is depleted of its minerals and nutrients, questionable farming practices, etc. Eating a clean diet is riddled with GMO’s and contaminated with herbicides and pesticides making it difficult to fuel our bodies.
Hind sight is 20/20 and after losing my father my path was clear. Dealing with this loss and managing my daughter’s health was the impetus to changing my career. I returned to school with a renewed passion and purpose to learn the role nutrition and therapeutic supplementation has on our health. We know 80% of our immune system is in our gut and stress negatively affects our physical health. I am especially passionate about digestive health, adrenal fatigue, anxiety/depression, hormonal imbalances, weight management and working with athletes wanting to gain a competitive edge! I’m strengthening lives.

To date in my practice I've supported over 240 clients. From my own experience to that of my clients' I cannot stress enough the importance of proper nutrition and therapeutic supplementation using high quality vitamins and minerals in order to bring our body into BALANCE. There is no quick fix; this is a lifestyle change to strengthen our lives.
Schedule your appointment today.
Robbie McCrossan OMSc (Osteopath)
Robbie began his Osteopathic practice at Health on Main in May 2019. Robbie first tried osteopathy at a young age, when he was heavily involved in extreme sports, which were often accompanied by sports-related injuries. As a young adult, Robbie became a Personal Trainer, and enjoyed helping people reach their goals and live unrestricted by their body. In 2016 he started his studies at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy. Robbie has taken his passion for helping people, his understanding of how the body works and moves, and his goal to meet "life unrestricted" into his professional practice here at Health on Main.
(If you need an explanation of Osteopathy...)
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a science of healing which places an emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the body. It relies on manual contact for structural diagnosis and treatment. Osteopathy is a client-centered, rather than a disease-centered, form of health care.
Osteopathic practitioners utilize a wide-variety of therapeutic manual techniques dictated by their understanding of osteopathic principles and the structural individuality of each client. Through manual manipulation, osteopathic practitioners are able to influence all areas of the body in order to optimize the body's intrinsic self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms. Osteopathic manipulative treatment is used as a means of facilitating these normal mechanisms by addressing areas of tissue strain, stress or dysfunction that may impede normal neural, vascular, or lymphatic flow.

Nicole DiMarco BA, CNP ( Store Manager)
My health journey began in my late teens after many years of being sick and overweight.
I was fed up with the way I felt and began researching online about healthier food options. I came across the concept of clean eating – that one’s diet should be simple, and made up of whole foods! The concept clicked and I made the switch nearly overnight. With my newfound energy and zest for life I added in exercise and have been a passionate advocate of living a fit, healthy lifestyle ever since.
After living across the continent working with organic farmers, I came back home with an even greater appreciation for natural living. I am a graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition where I received my holistic nutrition designation (CNP), and also hold a BA in Anthropology from the University of Toronto. As a newer resident to Stouffville, I have been so grateful to be able to share my passion and knowledge of holistic wellness with this wonderful community!

Wing Ka Mak ( Customer Experience)
Growing up I followed a healthy diet and took vitamins and supplements to support my health. As a new Mom, I often prioritized my family and work ahead of my own health. Since working at Health on Main I have again realized the importance of taking care of my health and enjoy helping others choose the appropriate supplements and vitamins to support their health goals. Visit us today and let us help you achieve your health goals!