- To help:- Purify the air- Get rid of unpleasant odors and their origin- Breathe a purer air
The Puressentiel Purifying Air Spray is a patented formula with 41 Essential Oils to destroy germs, unpleasant odors, etc. Purify air, limit sources of allergy (child and adult).
- Aromatherapy based product - EOBBD essential oils (Essential Oils Botanically and Biochemically Defined) - Essential oils and Bioalcohol not denatured by phthalates: 100% natural origin - Propellant gas-free* - Dye-free - Preservative-free - Synthetic perfume-free.
- Organic
- GMO Free
Contains**: D-LIMONENE, PINENES (ALPHA OR BETA), CARVONE, DELTA-3-CARENE, MENTHONE, TRANS-ANETHOLE [(E)-ANETHOLE], EUGENOL, CINNAMIC ALDEHYDE. Contains bioalcohol not denatured by phthalates. ** Naturally occurring in essential oils.
Recommended Use
This product helps to purify the air in living areas and polluted or smoky atmospheres, and remove odors from bedding, animals, child and adult bedrooms, damp rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, offices, workshops, public places, cars, etc.
Recommended Dosage
Spray solution for atmospheric use. • TARGETED USE - TO PURIFY THE ROOM: 6 to 8 sprays (3 to 5 ml) to be sprayed into the air, in the four corners of the room to purify. Can be sprayed onto carpets, bedding and other surfaces (carry out a preliminary test). Leave the room. Leave to act for at least 30 minutes and air the room afterwards. • DAILY USE: 2 sprays per day, in one or two applications.