- com -Pure silk dental floss Canadian tested
- -Full 40 metres per spool, more absorbent than any plastick floss -11cents per usage
- - Pure decadent silk floss (instead of plastic under the gum line) Completely new product in CANADA
OUR SILK REFILLS have been tested for purity in two independent Labs in North America. QUEBEC, AND KENTUCY USA Our lab results, PROVED A100% PURE SILK. result Each refill spool, contains 40 Metres of Floss or 86 usages of 18.5". Approximately 3 months with regular use.COST OF USE PER DAY AVERAGES 11CENTS. (CANADIAN )
- FLOSSING WITH A NATURAL FLOSS seems more absorbent, and better for the Planet in that it is biodegradable after use. Proper Flossing and great oral care, has been proven to reduce the risks of many diseases, most recently testing is underway that correlates gum disease withmany plaque related Diseases like Alzheimers*, Diabetes, and Heart Disease. A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body.* FLA STATE UNIVERSITY STUDY*
- Canadian
- Organic
- GMO Free
Pure Silk, candelilla waxed dental floss. A full 40 Metres of Floss per spool.
Recommended Use
Use 18" of floss once per day, preferably in the evening, to clean between teeth and below the gum line.