- Helps promote a healthy liver and aid digestion
Helps promote a healthy liver and aid digestion
- Active Liver contains three potent liver supporting herbs that can be used daily throughout the year, to detox the body and maintain a healthy liver. Active Liver contient une combinaison de trois ingr?dients puissants qui aident á r?g?n?rer le foie et soutenir son fonctionnement au quotidien.
- Canadian
Globe artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymus [13.5:1] =2997 mg) 222 mg, Milk thistle fruit extract (Silybum marianum (250mg:80% sylimarin)) 200 mg Turmeric rhizome extract (Curcuma longa [10:1]=1500 mg) 150 mg. * Extrait d’artichaut (Cynara scolymus L.) (Feuille) (13,5:1 = 2997 mg) 222mg - Extrait de chardon-marie (Silybum marianum L.) (Fruit) (250 mg: 80% silymarin) 200mg Curcuma (Curcuma longa L.) (Rhizome) (10:1 = 1500 mg) 150mg
Recommended UseUse for a minimum of 3 weeks to see beneficial effects * Utiliser pour un minimum de 3 semaines pour constater les effets b?n?fiques